Operating Principle
To remove the limitation of capacitance-based level sensors; Admittance Level Switches are introduced which works on admittance principle. This RF admittance level sensor consist of ring type probe that has an alternating active and an inactive region, which collectively help the controller to calculate the extent of coating on the probe. In effect, the level measuring instrument is able to identify the differential coating between the sense and the shield by measuring their individual capacitances. As the coating immunity is controlled by the on- board microcontroller, the extent of coating immunity can be set easily.

Designed & Manufactured in India
In-house Research and Development keeps pace with new age applications, outputs and standards

Immune to Build-up
Admittance level switch identify the difference between coating and real application material.

Result Oriented
Outstanding results in sticky application media of brewery and dairy industries.

Compact Size
Compact probe length of RF admittance level sensor takes up less inventory space and is easy to install.

Dynamic Build-up Compensation
Shield part of the probe estimates the build-up and decides the switching point by digitally compensating for build-up. This makes admittance level switch operate successfully in low dielectric media as well as conductive media.

Automatic Temperature Compensation
Application media may change its dielectric with process temperature, the dynamic digital compensation helps to maintain the switching point of the level sensor.
Foundry & Castings
The Foundry & Casting operational requirements are taken care by professionals because it includes casting of hot molten metals at high temperatures. The process is completed with utmost care under severe conditions. To support level measuring in these types of operations, the level measuring instruments resist high temperature.
RF admittance type level switch with the extreme high temperature durable probe can withstand up to 250°C throughout the process. Additionally, It detects the coating of viscous material over the level instruments.

Fast Moving Consumer Goods are largest consumed product on daily basis that sell rapidly at lower cost. The operations include during the entire process are economical. These types of industries demand cost-effective level sensors that should be fitted in their budget because the profit margin in these products are comparatively less.
Our admittance level switch is absolutely effective solution when it based on cost. Having multiple features in single level instrument makes it feasible for various challenges.
Poultry & Cattle Feed
Poultry and Cattle Feed is the fastest spreading business in developing and developed countries which improves growth rate and quality consistently. This emerging market introduces a wide range of product options. Currently, India is being witnessed in increasing amount of production involves dealing of viscous media.
Our admittance type level switch is beneficial which can work well with sticky conductive and non-conductive media. This RF level sensor gives proper switching without any confusion between the coating and real application material.

Valuable Insights

Explore: New Coat-Endure
The new display feature in RF type level sensor help users with configuration and also enhances the live running response.

Liquid Level Sensor
Our RF level sensor is used as one of the Liquid level measurement techniques to detect any liquid media.
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Instruction Manual
Covers Detailed Specs, Installation and Operating Instructions.