Explore: New Coat-Endure

Get a glimpse of the new Coat-Endure with Bar Display in addition to new features which makes it more advantageous for industries.

 · 2 min read

Introduction: Coat-Endure

Coat-Endure: Admittance Level Switch

RF- Admittance based level sensor Coat-Endure is designed and manufactured to cover a broad set of applications in the industry. It has build-up immunity which is better at dealing with sticky solids, pastes, and slurries. It can be used as alternative to Vibrating Forks, Float and Point Level capacitance switches where build-up on the probe requires frequent cleaning.

Coat-Endure can also be used to detect level of foam(water based) and also ignore foam buildup at the same time; the paints and chemical industry has applications with such requirement.

Design: Old

The old design composed of two Status LEDs used for switching purposes; indicating normal and alarm conditions. The DIP switches were used for configuring parameters like Time Delays, Calibration, Failsafe & Sensitivity.

Old Interface of Coat-Endure:RF Admittance Level Sensor

While making changes to the configuration, user did not have a live visual feedback. Even after the changes, verifying the changed parameters was time consuming.

Design: New Display with LED Bar Graph

The new display in Coat-Endure was prompted by feedback from our users. It also helped us to adapt popular display features from our SLA - RF Admittance Level Sensor and enhance them to help our users with configuration. It also enhances the live running response by showing the proximity to a switching point.

New Interface of Coat-Endure:RF Admittance Level Sensor

With the new design parameters such as sensitivity can be visualized live. The numeric LED Bar Display lights up LED based on the set sensitivity value. While in running mode proximity to the switching point can also be visualized.

Uses of LED Bar Display

Following are the features implemented in new Coat-Endure with Bar Display and LED Indications.

Sensitivity Display

Sensitivity of the level sensor may have to be adjusted depending for the dielectric constant of the application media. A value between 1 to 5 can be set. The device ships with a default sensitivity level of 3. The LED are color coded for better visual feedback.

Coat-Endure: RF Admittance Level Sensor

Display Mode

The display mode shows the proximity from the instrument’s probe. The movement of LEDs in upward direction depicts the movement of application media towards Coat-Endure’s Probe and vice-versa. Here figure shows movement of LEDs in upward direction.

Coat-Endure: RF Admittance Level Sensor

Independent Failsafe

Failsafe is a condition of device failure and input power failure where the device resemble the ALARM to protect from prevent overflow or dry run conditions in case of failures. Two failsafe switches with separate indications are introduced to set failsafe for RELAY 1 and RELAY 2.

Coat-Endure: RF Admittance Level Sensor

Output Options

This feature is unique and specially implemented to identify output mode. Depending on the selection mode for output, the two relay outputs can also operate independently for two different switch points.

Coat-Endure: RF Admittance Level Sensor

Kailash Rathi 4 years ago

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