Product Templates Item Code: ELIXIR
Operating Principle
The working principle of tuning fork type level switch is based on tuning fork’s natural frequency measurement. A specially shaped tuning fork is continuously vibrating at its natural frequency using piezo-electric elements and detecting the changes in frequency in the presence of application media. The pressure applied on diaphragm drives the tuning fork's tines apart from each other and return to their original position when the pressure is removed. As the material level increases and comes in contact with the vibrating fork tines, the frequency of oscillation of tuning fork level switch dampens or decreases as it covered with the liquid application media. The change in frequency is detected by the microprocessor leading to a switching decision. The threshold frequency is set to match the natural frequency of tuning fork type level switch under water.

Designed & Manufactured in India
In-house Research and Development keeps pace with new age applications, outputs and standards

Versatile Configurations
More than 2000 variants cover a wide range of fittings and configurations in extensive applications.

Proven Performance
Being a manufacturer of vibrating forks in India for over 35+ years, Sapcon proven itself in wide variety of industries.

Compact Size
Compact housing & a short tuning fork level sensor takes up less inventory space and is easy to install

Low Power Consumption
Lower carbon footprint in tuning fork level switch results lower heat and longer life.

Certifications for Hazardous Areas
Intrinsically safe vibrating tuning fork is suitable in Zone 0 hazardous area.

Fast Switching
The fast switching(0.8secs) feature is supportive in automated packaging machines to avoid overfill errors.

Immune to External Vibrations
Tuning fork level switch is Immune to spurious external vibrations, any kind of material turbulence and flow.

Indepedent of material's dielectric properties
Depends only on viscosity and specific gravity of application media.
Brewery Production Plant
To produce high quality beer that lasts longer demands a complex production process. This increasing quality requirement needs hygienic design fittings to ensure the resultant product safety. the overall process is performed under specific environmental conditions.
To deal with brewery's process requirements, Elixir vibrating tuning fork sensors is available with standard hygienic fittings. Additionally, laying out electrical cables saves time and cost with the AS-i bus interface.

Chemical Plant
Competition to sustain the performance and productivity of the chemical industry is the biggest challenge. Regular modernization demands liquid level measurement techniques that are independent of material reactions and provide rigid support throughout the process.
Back-to-back upgrades in our liquid level sensors make them capable enough to confront any tougher situation. The ECTFE coated tuning fork sensor extends the operating life under application media involving corrosive liquids.
Pharmaceutical Sectors
During this COVID pandemic, pharmaceutical sectors are at their peak to provide vaccination, sanitizers and disinfectatnts throughout the world. The pressure to produce the resultant output rapidly requires reliable process sensors.
Our fork level sensor with hygienic fittings are useful can configured with clean-in-place (CIP) fittings. The compactness of this tuning fork level sensor gives installation support in smaller mixing tanks and pipelines of process tanks.

Valuable Insights

EIL Certification
Sapcon's vibrating fork level sensor has been enlisted with Engineers India Ltd. since 2016.

As-Interface for Vibrating Forks
Vibrating fork level sensor series is now accessible with "AS-Interface" to reduce cable complexities and save cost.

Intrinsic Safety Certification
Fork Level Sensor "Elixir Namur" is Intrinsically Safe and can be used within a Zone 0 hazardous area.